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Fax: 202-885-1334
Frequently Asked Questions
Thank you for your interest in giving to American University. If you have any individual inquiries or need additional information, please contact the University Advancement at 202-885-5900 or at
How can I make a gift?
Online: You can make a gift online using
Mail: Checks should be made to American University and mailed to:
American University
University Advancement
PO Box 96609
Washington, DC, 20077-7992
Designations should be noted in the memo or in enclosed correspondence. Donors may also mail a pledge card or letter with credit card information.
Phone: 202-885-5900
Payroll Deduction: If you are an employee of AU, you can make a gift directly from your paycheck. To do so, log in to the AU Portal with your credentials. On the upper right side of the portal home page, under the "Personalized Links" menu, click on "Finances" and select Make a Gift via Payroll Deduction.
Gifts Through Donor Advised Funds: Donors wishing to make a gift via donor advised funds should use AU's tax ID: 53-0196549
Stocks and Securities:
Donors wishing to make a gift via stock transfer can provide the following AU brokerage account information to your brokers:
DTC Eligible Securities
DTC #0443
Pershing, LLC
Account #N7M002226 for the benefit of American University
Fed Eligible Securities (Treasury Securities)
ABA# 021000018
Bank of NY/Pershing
Account #N7M002226 for the benefit of American University
Jorja Watts at BNY Mellon Capital Markets
Please call 202-885-5900 to ensure that your gift is properly credited and for additional instructions on sending physical certificates.
Gifts by Wire Transfer: Donors wishing to make a gift via wire transfer should use the following account information:
Beneficiary: American University – University Advancement
Beneficiary’s Address: 4400 Massachusetts Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20016
Receiving Bank: Capital One Bank
Receiving Bank: 10700 Capital One Way, Glen Allen, VA 23060
ABA/Routing Number: 065000090
Swift Code: HIBKUS44 (for international wire)
Account Number: 5004308012
Memo Instructions: AU Donation from <Donor Name> <Designation>
Gifts in kind: Please call our main line at 202-885-5900 or email, and you will be directed to the appropriate person.
Give time and talent: There are countless opportunities to get involved as a volunteer and deepen your ties to AU. Visit our or call us at 202-885-5900 to find out more.
Will I receive a receipt?
Yes. Email confirmations for online gifts are generated immediately, and a receipt will follow by mail. All gifts receive a receipt via postal mail.
What is a planned gift?
Planned gifts can be made in a variety of ways-such as through an estate or retirement plan-and enable you to leave a lasting legacy at AU while enjoying financial and tax advantages that benefit you and your family. The university welcomes gifts made through a variety of planned giving arrangements, including those that offer life income.
To learn more about your gift options and how AU can assist you with your charitable estate planning needs, contact Lauren Anderson, director of Planned Giving, at 202-885-3553 or, or visit our .
How do I make a gift in honor or in memory of someone?
On our , indicate the names of people to be honored or memorialized in field “Special Instructions” field. If you are using a different method to give, such as by check, please let us know of your wishes.
How can my gift make an impact at AU?
If you're looking for a meaningful way to make a difference at AU, there is no shortage of options to offer your support. Whether you are sustaining the university's areas of most urgent need, funding special initiatives, or creating your own legacy through an endowment, every gift that you make impacts the lives of American University students and faculty. You choose the area that your gift benefits by designating the area fund(s) that you wish to support.
- Annual Fund: The AU Fund for Excellence directs critical funds to the areas of the university that are needed the most. Annual gifts can also be broadly designated to specific schools or colleges, departments, or campus programs. Learn more on the Annual Giving page.
- Financial Aid: College affordability is a priority for American University. Nearly 80% of admitted freshmen receive some sort of aid assistance.
- Endowments: Endowments allow a donor to create a permanent legacy at AU, and provide long-term financial health to the institution. For questions about endowed funds, please contact us at 202-885-5918 or
- Capital Projects: American University’s ambitious strategic plan is transforming the campus landscape with new and revitalized facilities. Contact us at 202-885-5900 or to learn more.
- UFUND: UFUND is a new way for American University alumni, parents, faculty, staff, and friends to directly fund the projects and initiatives they care about most. Visit the to learn more about current projects to support.
Can I name a space, scholarship, or other fund at AU?
Yes, there are many opportunities to leave a legacy through a naming gift at AU. The array of opportunities range from rooms and spaces to scholarship funds to centers and institutes.
How will my gift make a difference?
Donors are invaluable partners in creating the incomparable educational experience that American University provides to its students. No matter how large or small, every gift has a real impact on the quality of education and student experience at AU.
In addition, college rankings services such as the US News & World Report analyze fundraising statistics such as participation rate when making their evaluations. Not only does your giving contribute to future generations of students, but it also enhances the entire university community and increases the value of an AU degree.
Will my company match my gift?
Visit our matching gifts search page and type your organization’s name into the search box to see if they will match your contribution to AU.
Can I make an anonymous donation?
Yes. AU is committed to protecting your privacy. Please let us know if you wish to keep your gift anonymous.
Make your gift today!
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